Adding Work Items

Adding Work Items

This guide describes how an organisation’s Technical Contact or designated Organisation Administrator(s) can write works to ORCID records using the Intembeko ORCID Hub. It describes file construction and upload, and editing/updating of records. If your anticipated Hub use differs from the scenarios in the guide please contact us for assistance. Prior to using the Intembeko ORCID Hub, your organisation must be onboarded to the application. If your organisation is not listed on the Hub’s home page, your organisation’s ORCID Technical Contact should request an invitation to onboard. Onboarding involves being authenticated in the Hub, using the Hub to obtain API credentials for your organisation from ORCID, and entering these into the Hub.

Types of works allowed in ORCID records

’Works’ is the generic term used by ORCID to describe research outputs. A large range of outputs is recognised and listed by ORCID here.

Field Description
Invitee first name (required) Person to whose ORCID record you are writing
Invitee last name (required) Person to whose ORCID record you are writing
Invitee email address (required) Person to whose ORCID record you are writing
Invitee local identifier A local identifier – e.g. one used by your internal system.
Title (required) The title of the work
Subtitle The subtitle, if relevant
Translated title The title as translated, if relevant
Translated title language Language of the translated title
Journal title This is the title of the main body that the work is a part of – can be journal title, book title, conference title etc. Note that ALL variations are captured under the term ‘journal title’; do NOT change the name of this header.
Type (required) The type of work – for example: journal-article; book-chapter. Must be one of ORCID’s accepted types found in
Publication date Year, year and month, or year, month and date
Description A short abstract or description of the work. ORCID recommends keeping this below 200 words as this data is not always read by systems that connect with ORCID.
Citation type Citations may be fielded as in RIS, BibTex (preferred by ORCID) – or may be textual (APA, MLA, Chicago)
Citation The content of the citation in one of the formats allowed, e.g. BibTex
URL An external link to the work
Language Language used in the work
Country Country of publication
External ID Type (required) The external ID type of the work; for example a DOI, ISBN etc. Must be one of ORCID’s accepted identifiers found in . If you are unable to assign a DOI or ISBN you can use ‘source-work-id’.
External ID relationship (required) (json or yaml file must be used if more than one external relationship identifier is included) SELF (e.g. if your ‘external ID type’ is, for example, a DOI for a journal article). You can also have a PART_OF identifier relationship such as the ISSN of the journal in which the article ispublished). A SELF identifier is mandatory.
External iD Value (required) This is the identifier value, i.e. the ISBN of a book or the DOI of an article, or your internal sourcework-id.
Identifier URL (external ID URL) The url that an identifier resolves to. ORCID will auto-populate if an identifier type is recognised.
Contributors (json or yaml file only, if more than one contributor to be included) Describes the role of the contributor. Can be: author / assignee / editor / chair-or-translator / co-investigator / co-inventor / graduate-student / other-inventor / principal-investigator / postdoctoral-researcher / support-staff(Hyphens are essential)
Contributor-sequence Can be ‘first’ or ‘additional’ only
PUT code Use the PUT-Code if you wish to update an item. The code can be obtained by exporting the task from the Hub once the entry is written to the ORCID record. By writing information using a PUT code the row of information in your fileoverwrites the specified item in the user’s ORCID record rather than creating a new entry.

Using the Hub to write works to ORCID records

Uploading files and activating them in the Hub generates email to your researchers and contributors, inviting them to give your organisation permission to access their ORCID record.

Uploading files to the Hub

If the researcher(s) have not already given you permission to read from/write to their ORCID records, perhaps from you writing an affiliation entry to their record, then prior to uploading and activating your file in the Hub, and according to your organisation’s normal communications procedures, you should contact them in advance to let them know that you intend to write works information to their ORCID records. You must explain that they will be receiving an email from the Intembe ORCID Hub, and the date on which you intend to upload your file. By doing this, your research community will be expecting the Hub’s email and be less likely to delete it as spam. To upload ‘works’ file to the Hub log-in and go to

Tasks >Upload works …upload your file…>activate all This will either

  • send an invitation to those people whose ORCID records you wish to write to (Figure 5) OR
  • if the researchers have already given your organisation permission to act on their ORCID records, the works record will immediately be written, with your organisation as the source of the information.

Editing records using the Hub’s web-form feature

You can edit information written to ORCID records in the Hub directly using the web-form features. Any information can be edited while the task is still active, but some edits can also be made after the task has expired. If the task is still active in the Hub, navigate to it via , then click on the eye icon to view the items. Choose the item you wish to edit and click on the icon that represents that information e.g. invitees, contributors, external identifiers. Once you have edited the information you must ‘reset’ the task for the edits to appear in the records. If adding new invitees, these people will receive an invitation email as described previously. If the task has expired you can still edit some information in ORCID records about the work item, including url, identifiers and information about the work itself, although not contributors. Go to , <view/export people> and search for the person whose information you want to edit. Hover over the pencil icon on the left and a suite of icons will appear/ Click on the typewriter icon to edit works information. When the information appears on screen, click on the pencil icon on the left to edit the information.